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  • Topa Topa Chief’s Peak IPA 6-Pack

    You’ve gone from shrubland to woodland to highland. When you stop to sip on a Chief Peak, the piney hops are first to arrive. The tropical tones of passion fruit, orange, and gooseberry aren’t far behind. Look out on the valley and trace the contours of the mountain. Breathe in the thinning air, wipe the sweat from your brow, and take another well-earned sip.

  • Pommery Meaux Mustard – Small Stone Jar

    This deliciously grainy mustard is slightly spicy and has a wonderful nutty flavor to it. Exclusively manufactured near Meaux city from father to son, its origins can be traced near Meaux Cathedral during the Chanoines’ period. The unique recipe remains unchanged and maintains its authentic originality since 1632. Many chefs use it for sauces, roasts, vinaigrette and more.

    Ingredients: Water, Mustard Seeds, Vinegar, Salt, Spices
    Size: 3.5oz Stone Jar


Meet the maker

Storm Wines

Ernst Storm icon arrow Storm Wines

Flâneur Wines

Grant Coulter icon arrow Flâneur Wines

Piro Wine Company

Marc Piro icon arrow Piro Wine Company